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Welcome to Houses in The Sun


Houses In The Sun was founded in 2015 by Dan Patrik Sandin, a passionate admirer of the Costa Cálida and Costa Blanca. Born in Sweden, he arrived in Murcia in 1982 and has since made this land his home.

His career began in the tourism sector, managing holiday rentals in La Manga del Mar Menor and creating spaces where people could enjoy the Mediterranean lifestyle. His experience gave him first-hand insight into what people look for in a home in Spain.

With that vision, he decided to venture into the real estate industry. Thus, Houses In The Sun was born, a specialised agency in the purchase, sale, and management of properties in Murcia and Alicante. Together with a team of real estate experts, architects, and legal advisors, we support each client from the first contact to the signing of the deed, ensuring a transparent, secure, and hassle-free process.

Shall we talk? If you're looking to buy, we’ll guide you. If you want to sell, we’ll help you get the best price.

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