Inspection trip Inspection trip

Inspection trip

We have big projects in different areas

Welcome! Contact us to organize your trip to Spain

Take advantage of the opportunity to buy a house in Costa Cálida, as it is still a buyer's market in Spain, and Houses in the Sun offers you the chance to take a three-day/two-night inspection trip, as follows:

Accommodation for 2 nights with breakfast included
Transportation to/from the airport in Spain (Alicante / Murcia - San Javier)
Visits to developments, golf courses, and homes of interest to each client

Price: €350 per couple *

* As a couple, spouses, partners, or significant others are considered.


These inspection trips are conducted so that clients can see firsthand the areas and homes they wish to purchase.

If you make a purchase with us (Houses in the Sun), we will refund the amount of €350 that you have paid for this inspection trip.

Flights have to be covered by each of the clients.

+ Information or Book your trip

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